Special Initiatives (Research & Analysis) VISTA
About The Collective Blueprint
The Greater Memphis area has more than 45,000 young adults, aged 16-24, who are out of school and out of work. Nearly half of these young adults are in poverty, and only 1% will be on the path to a living wage by the time they are 28.
The young adult population represents the next generation of community, business, and political leaders. It is imperative that they are equipped with the skills and supports they need today in order to guide Memphis forward tomorrow. The Collective Blueprint advances a community framework that reflects the personal and economic aspirations of the city’s young populace.
The Collective Blueprint was started in 2016 and is the only local organization specifically tailored to the needs of young adults. We provide relationships, resources, and a network of support to help young adults discover and develop their unique talents in order to advance their personal and professional objectives. Our Vision is that all young adults have the power to live their best lives and the tools to make that a reality.
The Collective Blueprint Model
The Collective Blueprint is building the framework to reach economic equity for all young adults in the following ways:
1) Initiatives: Build coalitions that create systemic solutions to ensure more young adults complete education and continue on to careers
2) Programs: Be the go-to organization for how to support and partner with opportunity youth as they begin their careers
3) Advocacy: Build a movement toward a more economically just Memphis by positioning young adults as leaders and advocates
About The Americorps VISTA Program
The Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS) is a federal agency that helps millions of Americans improve the lives of their fellow citizens through service. The CNCS AmeriCorps VISTA Members will serve for a year at The Collective Blueprint, building capacity by conducting outreach and growing partnerships. The role of VISTAs on our team is unique in that they are not employees of The Collective Blueprint. VISTA members are paid and receive benefits through CNCS. Visit www.nationalservice.gov for more information about CNCS and AmeriCorps VISTA.
Please see the VISTA position descriptions below for more detailed information. To apply for these positions, you will need to create a MyAmeriCorps account at my.americorps.gov. Once you create an account and an application, search for this position within the My AmeriCorps system. In addition to the living allowance from CNCS, The Collective Blueprint offers VISTA members a competitive incentives package including generous rent, grocery, wellness, and gas assistance.
Position Responsibilities
This VISTA would help TCB collect & organize information to support the execution of our strategic plan. This includes conducting research (quantitative and qualitative), analyzing research results, presenting findings back to the management and building tools to execute against said findings. These are example projects, based on what is highest priority in the strategy department.
1. Employer and industry landscape
Project Goal: Map accessible career options available to young adults in Memphis.
- Help map the current employment landscape in Memphis, with an emphasis on high-quality entry-level positions that lead to long-term sustainable career pathways;
- Research industry trends and compile opportunities;
- Create tools and materials that can be used with employers, including outreach materials, meeting agendas, and other engagement tools;
- Research industry and employment trends for the future and work with TCB's leadership to craft economic development strategies for both the organization;
- Interview employers about future needs and create tools,materials or supports that speak to their needs (for example, a retention training for new employees);
2. Economic Development & Training School Research
Project Goal: Assist with development of career pathway strategies more broadly.
- Assist departmental leadership and staff to envision and map the ecosystems of partners and their roles in industry tracks, including employers, training institutions,and other content expert partners who can support effective tracking of young adults into career
3. Funding Landscape
Project Goal: Describe the current funding landscape for programming focused on helping Opportunity Youth get connected to training and employment. Find and describe examples at the state and county level of funding mechanisms from other parts of the country, with an emphasis on success stories.
- Assist organizational leadership in the mapping of the current landscape of funders and funding opportunities focused on sector-based workforce development and training programs;
- Develop a framework for innovative ways of securing the funding support for each industry pathway, including a combination of traditional grant funding support as well as possible alternative revenue streams such as employer partners' sponsorships of program activities, etc.